It's OPEN! The 2023 Kars For Kids Online Registration
We'd love to see you on Saturday, April 1, 2023!
673/657 N. Hwy 90 Bypass ~ Sierra Vista, AZ
Doors open at 8 am
Whether you are joining us as a return attendee, an avid participant, or a first-timer, we'd love to have you come out and spend the day with the Huachuca FOP and the Boys & Girls Club of Sierra Vista for the 2023 Kars for Kids Event!
Rain or shine! Mark your calendar!
Spectators are always free, early bird vehicle registration is $25 and includes a T-shirt, and we have a $1000 and $500 gift card to raffle!
Visit our event page for more details and to register a vehicle - Click here
Hope to see you there!